Monday, November 12, 2007

Root of Hispanic/Latino Immigration

As I begin my journey on this analysis of Illegal immigration from Hispanic and Latino countries, I begin to question, what causes this heavy influx of immigrants to America? Why come here? What is so terribly wrong with their country that they would rather risk the possibility of death to escape to the U.S.? In other words, what is the causal relationship, if any, between the current situation of Hispanics/Latinos and their desire to become a U.S. citizen? According, to the University of Texas in Austin, Texas, the increase in migration stems from the low availability of jobs in Mexico. Because jobs are in high demand, and their are not a sufficient amount of jobs to sustain the increasing population of Mexico, citizens are forced to look to other means of income to provide for their families. And because their is no work nearby, the closest area where they know they will get payed is America. Companies and small business owners are willing to pay them a cheaper price for their hard labor. This is appealing to Mexicans/Latinos because they are at least getting paid and are able to send money back to their families. But is it just the Mexican economy that drives the influx of migrants, or is there something more?

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